If your child has a toothache, rinse their mouth out with warm salt water and then give them Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain. Do not give your child Aspirin or use Orajel. Contact us for an appointment.
If your child has a dental emergency, call us immediately. If urgent treatment is needed after hours, call our emergency phone number at 604 731 4608 (Vancouver) or 778 291 2222 (South Surrey). Depending on your child’s situation, we will either ask you to bring your child to our office or to BC Children’s Hospital.
If your child has a toothache, rinse their mouth out with warm salt water and then give them Advil (ibuprofen) or Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain. Do not give your child Aspirin or use Orajel. Contact us for an appointment.
Mild swelling: Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off.
Serious swelling: If there is facial swelling involving the eye and neck, or your child has difficulty breathing, take your child to a local hospital emergency immediately.
If your child has an infected tooth, antibiotics and tooth extraction may be required. Contact Playtime Pediatric Dentistry as soon as possible.
If you can, find all the tooth fragments. As long as the pain is managed, it might not be a dental emergency, but we will have to see your child and rule out other injuries. It’s important to see Dr. Ella as soon as possible.
If it’s a baby tooth that has been knocked out, do not put it back in the socket. If it’s an adult tooth, place the tooth back into the socket as this provides the greatest chance to save the tooth. Hold the tooth by the crown only. If it is dirty, gently rinse with running water without touching the root. If you are not comfortable with placing a knocked-out adult tooth, keep the tooth in saliva or milk and contact Playtime Pediatric Dentistry or head to BC Children’s Hospital.
Make sure the jaw is stabilized with a scarf or towel. Take your child to a local hospital emergency immediately.
If your child is experiencing pain, swelling or bleeding, they are most likely experiencing a dental emergency and you should contact us right away. If their tooth is badly chipped or knocked out it is critical you call us immediately. Remember to stay calm when dealing with an urgent dental situation.
Start with having your child rinse with warm salt water. Give them Advil or Tylenol for pain. Do not give your child Aspirin or Orajel. Apply a cold compress 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off for mild swelling.
Collect as many pieces of the tooth as possible and wrap them in a clean, moist cloth. Call us right away. We will determine if it’s an emergency and if you need to bring in your child immediately or make an appointment.
With kids being so active, many dental emergencies are the result of a sports injury or rough housing. Emergencies can also result from children using their teeth as tools to open things or from chewing on pens and other hard objects. Children can chip a tooth if they chew on ice, popcorn kernels or other hard foods. Sometimes, if a child does not brush and floss regularly, severe and painful tooth decay can result or a dental infection.
Prevention is key to avoiding dental emergencies. If you have a child that plays contact sports, equip them with custom-fitted mouthguards, helmets and safety gear before playing. Discourage your kids from using teeth as tools and from playing roughly. If your child complains of dental pain, bring them in to see us as soon as possible. Finally, prevent toothaches with regular brushing, flossing and visits to our office. Pediatric dentistry is an important part of prevention and education.
Booked a checkup after my 3-year-old son fell and cut his gum. He really doesn’t like medical appointments, so I was concerned going in. The staff at Playtime Pediatric Dentistry were amazing every step of the way, and worked ever-so-patiently with him to make it a good experience. Check-up done, teeth in a good state! When asked about the trip to the dentist afterward, he has nothing but good things to say despite his fear at the time. We will definitely be coming back for further appointments. Thanks so much, Playtime Pediatric Dentistry!