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All About Children’s Toothaches

Common Symptoms of a Toothache

Once the gums around the tooth become inflamed or swollen, your child will feel sharp, throbbing pain and sensitivity around the tooth. Chewing will be uncomfortable, and drinking hot or cold food will be painful. In some cases, your child will not want to brush their teeth. 

Common Causes of Toothache

The most prevalent cause of a toothache is a dental cavity as a result of tooth decay. At times toothache pain can actually be a sinus infection. 

Let’s take at the list of reasons your child may be experiencing discomfort around a tooth: 

Tooth decay – decay of the outer surface of the tooth
Abscessed tooth – swelling of the gum tissue that is filled with pus
Tooth fracture – a break or crack in the hard shell of the tooth
Damaged tooth filling – a cracked or broken cavity filling
Grinding teeth – bruxism is a grinding or clenching of your teeth
Gum infection – swollen, tender or bleeding gums

Is it Time To See The Dentist?

If the pain lasts for more than a 48-hours, then it’s time to pinpoint the cause of the toothache and schedule a dental appointment. In the meantime, you can take steps to alleviate your child’s discomfort. Here are a few ideas and a few food recommendations: 

Alleviate Tooth Pain

Press a cold pack against the jaw, outside of the cheek for a few minutes. Options include an icepack, a bag of frozen peas. Saltwater can reduce swelling and boost healing. A warm salt water rinse is a smart way to loosen any debris lodged in between the teeth. At this point, avoid foods that are challenging to chew, and avoid hot and cold food as this can make the pain even worse. 

Recommended Foods That Don’t Trigger Too Much Pain

Remember, when your child is experiencing a toothache, you must be gentle and nurturing. 
Cottage cheese
Mashed potatoes

Stay Clear Of Toothaches

Start healthy oral habits early, teach your kids to brush their teeth twice a day, use fluoride-containing toothpaste, floss regularly, and eat healthy snacks. Proper diet and oral health are connected, so make sure there are plenty of proper vitamins and minerals in your child’s diet.

You Should See Your Dentist 

Schedule a dental appointment as soon as possible concerning your toothache if the pain lasts longer than two days. If the toothache is severe. If there is a fever, earache, or discomfort when your child opens their mouth wide. Dental decay and toothaches are prevented by proper oral hygiene and ask Dr. Ellla about sealants and fluoride applications.